Bible, Christian, Church, Conservative, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love, Politics, US Constitution

That Was Some Chicken Sandwich!


Thousands showed up at their local Chick-fil-A restaurants around the USA yesterday to participate in what Mike Huckabee proclaimed to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. I was one of those thousands. As I gladly stood in the long line and talked with others around me, I realized that the reasons for being there were about as varied as the many personalities represented. Some were there for political reasons as far as support of Dan Cathy’s 1st Amendment freedom of speech; others, in support of his 1st Amendment right of freedom of religion; still others were there in support of both; and, lastly, there were those like me being there for spiritual reasons to support a brother in Christ and be a light for Christ. Now, I’ve often heard it quoted that, “A light bulb has no lips”; however, that in itself is not true since light does give off a very low frequency sound that’s not discernible to our ears.

I saw a post that mentioned that the church failed in not evangelizing as the writer thought the church should have. I strongly disagree. When you read Matthew 5:16, you will see that Jesus said that our light will shine by our good works i.e. the good things we do! What a bright, bright light we in Christ Jesus made yesterday as we showed agreement of Mr. Cathy’s standing on what the Bible says a marriage is and as we supported our brother in Christ showing the kingdom of darkness that being called erroneous, hateful names will not put out His light but rather will make it shine even brighter! That light also shown in the smiling faces of the Chick-fil-A staff as they efficiently served us all with no complaints or bad attitudes! I believe we’ve yet to see the fruit of the seeds sown yesterday. I dare to believe that our Father’s kingdom was glorified and expanded yesterday because of the light and love of Christ Jesus that was shown by many of the Chick-fil-A customers and its staff. Glory to the One, True living God!

On a personal note, I must admit that having Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches were rare treats for my husband and I with things being as they are for us right now financially but it was a sacrifice gladly made and given! It brought back for me childhood memories of looking forward to going to the Greenville Mall (now, Magnolia Place) and anticipating the enjoyment of Chick-fil-A’s sandwich with the 2 sliced dill pickles on top, lemonade and ice cream! Back then, there were not many around Greenville so when you were near one it was a nice, rare treat! That was some chicken sandwich! 😀


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