Bible, Christianity

Working in a Spirit of Excellence

I was awakened to refresh my memory on what a Spirit of Excellence is. Perfection A spirit of excellence is not perfection as in being flawless but rather a reflection of your attitude when you do a task. That means, “whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not to men,”. It’s… Continue reading Working in a Spirit of Excellence

Bible, Christian, Church, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus

Put on…

Often we hear about how we need to "dress for success" in order to be professionally successful in the world and I agree that there is value in the clothes we wear since it's usually what's first noticed about us. In fact, in a previous post, The Fashion of Faith, I talked about such attire… Continue reading Put on…

Bible, Christian, Church, Finances, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love, Marriage, Money, Submission

Working in the Corporate Jungle

Matthew 4:1 (NKJV): Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. [Emphasis added] Was talking to my husband this morning about things, some nice pillow talk if you will. He mentioned how he noticed how I sleep better Friday and Saturday nights versus Sunday-Thursday nights. My response… Continue reading Working in the Corporate Jungle